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 Dr. Dharmendra Eye Care Center: An Ideal Center For Phaco and Refractive training 

Our Services

Agra Eye Centre Services

Cataract Surgery

Cataract is the natural aging of lens in the eye (there is a lens inside the eye like in a camera). This aging leads to opacity which obstructs proper light entry into the eye leading to defective vision.

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Cataract Surgery Treatment in Agra

Blade less LASIK surgery (Refractive surgery)

Lasik Surgery is a procedure to correct refractive errors (focusing errors) like Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism and Presbyopia.

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Lasik Surgery Treatment in Agra

ICL(Phakic IOL)

ICL or Implantable Collamer Lens is also called as phakic IOL is an artificial lens implanted into the eye in front of natural lens to correct any focusing error like Myopia, Hyperopia or Astigmatism.

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Cataract Surgery Treatment in Agra

Contact Lenses

We fit all types of Contact Lenses in our state of the art Contact Lens Clinic. A contact lens is a small plastic or silicone disc-shaped lens that is placed on the cornea of the eye to correct eyesight problems.

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Cataract Surgery Treatment in Agra

Keratoconus Treatment

Keratoconus is a condition wherein there is progressive distorted bulging forward of cornea (black of the eye) resulting in poor vision.

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Lasik Surgery Treatment in Agra

Dry Eyes Clinic

Comprehensive Diagnostics for Dry Eyes (OSD-Ocular Surface Disease) & Latest Management Protocols including Punctal Plugs.

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Lasik Surgery Treatment in Agra


Glaucoma is a disease of the eye which exhibits a typical optic neuropathy which results in progressive visual field loss.The most important risk factor is raised intraocular pressure.

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Lasik Surgery Treatment in Agra

Oculoplasty Services

Blepharoplasty: Corrective Surgery for baggy Eye Lids
Ptosis Correction: Corrective Surgery for Drooping Eye Lids
Ectropion & Entropion Correction: Corrective Surgery for Outturned & Inturned Eye Lids

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Lasik Surgery Treatment in Agra

Squint Surgery

There are six different muscles attached to each eyeball and they tend to work in pairs. Imbalance in this muscle coordination results in squint.

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Top and Best Eye Hospitals in Agra

Pterygium Surgery

At Challa Eye Hospital we do Pterygium Surgery with latest technique of Conjunctival Autografts & Amniotic Membrane transplants.

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Top and Best Eye Hospitals in Agra


Manned by a qualified Optometrist, we fit and dispense all latest optical glasses and lenses by using cutting edge technology. Afterall stiching a Suit is as important as the Suit Material itself.

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Top and Best Eye Hospitals in Agra