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 Dr. Dharmendra Eye Care Center: An Ideal Center For Phaco and Refractive training 

Cataract Surgery

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Cataract Surgery

1. Phaco Basic Course
   I.  Duration 25 Operating days
      Operative cases – 50
      Fee – 7000 USD
      MCI registration – 6000 INR
      Technique – stop and chop only

   II.    Duration 30 Operating days
      Operative cases – 75
      Fee – 10500 USD
      MCI registration – 6000 INR
      Technique – stop and chop only
   III.   Duration 35 Operating days
      Operative cases – 100
      Fee – 14000 USD
      MCI registration – 6000 INR
      Technique – stop and chop and quick chop

2. Phaco Advanced Course
Surgery on hard cataract, anterior vitrectomy, managing small complications, use of CTR, use of Malyugin Ring for non-dilating pupil
      Fee – 160 USD/case
Here you have to decide how many surgeries you want to perform.
For this course you have to apply 4 months before with all your legal documents.

3. MSICS (Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery)
It is good for hard cataract surgeries where:
   - Anterior chamber is shallow
   - Endothelial cell count is decreased
   - Traumatic dislocation of the lens
   - Subluxated cataract
   - Machine failure
   - Brunescent cataract
   - Morgagnian cataract
   - Compromised cornea
These sutureless cataracts surgeries also can be performed under topical infiltration
      Fee – 130 USD/case
      Duration – 15 Operating days
      Cases – 30 surgeries